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2017/2018 School Year
1st Jun 2018
Primary One were very busy this morning telling their Parents and Friends about...
31st May 2018
Alan and Maggie McFadden kindly led us on a tour of Portrush today. We visited buildings...
18th May 2018
David our caretaker has been very kind and brought us the little seed pots he has...
17th May 2018
Primary 1 have been finding out about the life cycle of a butterfly. We had tiny...
17th May 2018
Today is Outdoor Classroom Day and P4 made the most of it by heading outside in...
11th May 2018
Primary 5 launched this term's charity WaterAid, at their rise and shine assembly. We...
9th May 2018
We enjoyed an art session when we drew pictures of our school. It isn't as easy...
4th May 2018
The NIFRS visited our class and left us with an important thing for us all to do..CHECK...
Portrush Primary School, Crocknamack Road, Portrush, Antrim, BT56 8JW Tel: 028 7082 2333